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Is the flag at half staff today?

The flag flying at half-staff atop the White House

Trust Flag and Banner to tell you when the American flag should be flown at half-staff. Check here or sign up to get half-staff email alerts.

Because we are based in Little Rock, we also give Arkansas half-staff alerts. 


National Half-Staff Status 

American flag US Flags are at FULL Staff 

Arkansas Half-Staff Status 

American flag US Flags are at FULL Staff

Arkansas flag Arkansas Flags are at FULL Staff - Please note: If you fly a state flag alongside your U.S. flag, the state flag will also lower. 


2023 Federal Half Staff Holidays

The dates below indicate when you should fly your flag at half-staff.

May 7  National Fallen Firefighters Memorial Service
May 15 (fixed)  Peace Officer's Memorial Day
May 29 
(half-staff to noon)
Memorial Day
September 11
Patriot Day
December 7
Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

   Learn how to fly your flag at half-staff from your house mounted pole to an in-ground flagpole.

Learn more about half-staff protocols.


Half-Staff Flag Alerts

Half Staff Flag Alerts

Sign up for free flag alert emails to get reminders when to fly your flag, holiday and flag-related information, and discounts on your next flags. We make flying flags easy.

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